

Mama Liu

Mama Liu was so proud of taking this cheesy picture
Originally uploaded by gliuoo

"Why do YOU get presents when I was the one in pain?"

Mama Liu gave me one of the most memorable presents ever. She read journal entries she wrote to document my growth.

Memorable lines:
- "March 24, 1983 4:30 a.m. Hanjong and I go to the hospital because my stomach hurts. It was kind of drizzly, so I wore a coat."
- My mom documented pretty much all my sleeping patterns. My mom likes to sleep (as do I - I guess I get it from my mom), so this was all very important information for her.
- "Youngeun doesn't like dolls. She prefers playing with pencils and paper. She walks around always carrying a book by her side."
- "Baby Youngeun does not like to eat meat."
- "1996. Youngeun is not so nice anymore. I think she's going through puberty."

I'm glad I'm my mom's daughter.


First Day of Spring/DOB Celebration

so happy for dessert
Originally uploaded by gliuoo

So, the Ok Go show got postponed because one of the band members was sick. However, the night was fantastic. It was a night of good food, delightful company and LOTS of dancing. We ended up going to a club and I believe there was much more dancing than there would have been at the Ok Go show, so I was very happy. While we were dancing, a couple of more people from my work showed up. The two ladies are probably in their 50's and simply put: fabulous. They could probably out-dance any one of us there. I hope I'm that fabulous when I'm their age...

Overall, it was nice seeing old friends and celebrating with new friends.



in the tent
Originally uploaded by gliuoo



"See Grace. This is what it's like to date YOU."
- Mon

I think a healthy relationship is a miracle.
To meet someone.
For both sides to fall in love at the same time.
To grow that love.
It's a miracle.

Meeting someone with the same issues as myself has been an eye-opening experience. As Mon says, it's like someone is putting a mirror up in front of me. So, the funny-ironic-sad part is that I finally felt ready to take a risk and work on my commitment issues. But, it turns out he has the same issues and is basically freaking out the way "the old me" would have. So, I can't even really be upset with him because I completely understand. Either way, I'm definitely learning a lot and hopefully growing a little bit too.



Originally uploaded by gliuoo

I'm so excited for Spring.


JJ Quote of the Day

You don't bring sand to the beach.
That's what you're doing.