

A couple of my close friends are getting married within a year. I've heard of a few other people from high school and D.C. getting engaged as well. It's wild. It makes me feel... I don't know. Hopefully, I'll be able to book a flight this week to Minnesooota for Megs' wedding. Oh my gash. It's going to be so cold (in January). Hmm.. then, maybe Korea for a wedding in June. Wow, traveling for weddings... I miss traveling. I've been home for about 5 months now and I'm just itching to go somewhere. Now, I guess I have a reason to travel: weddings. Wow.

Random statistic of the day: Mansoo's mom told me today that in America, the ratio of guys to girls is 1:8. She said I need to hurry up and snatch a guy as soon as possible 'cause the numbers are not in my favor. I didn't even know how to respond.


Anonymous said...

Marriage is a big change in life.
It can be very comforting knowing that friends stay true when big changes come.

Hyojung said...

hahaha. ... but that's scary.

Anonymous said...

I love lamp

Anonymous said...

postcard from roseland:

Dear Grace,

Yesterday I went to a concert and this guy was wearing a red beanie. On the back of his shirt it said "Team Zissou."

Wish you were here!