
Great Disappointment

I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape.

I finally finished Great Expectations a couple of days ago. I wasn't so impressed. I think Dickens got tired of writing towards the end. Who can blame him?

I really don't like Pip; he's such a tool. And that Estella... good grief.

Now, I can start a new book. Yay! I just started downloading audio books and poems. It's amazing; I can listen to books or poems on my ipod. The thought tickles me and now I can't wait for my flight next week. Although, I think I'll miss the actual act of reading, underlining, writing in the margins, etc. Well, we'll see how I like the first book: The Picture of Dorian Gray. By the way, dont you think Cameron Crowe kind of looks like Oscar Wilde?


Anonymous said...

I can't stand Dickens. The only book of his that I've finished is A Tale of Two Cities, and c'mon, who doesn't like a little French Revolution?

Anonymous said...

Didn't Dickens write "A Christmas Carol"????? I like that book. I like Tiny Tim(?). Hope you're having a good time in Minnesooota.
See you late Grace.