
In Memory of ... Vaginas ... and Explosions

I like to read obituaries. I got into it when my first assignment in news reporting was to write obits. I think I like to read them as a way of not forgetting the deceased person existed.

There's something beautifully tragic about reading about a person's life after he/she has died. Did the deceased person know that people admired him/her so? Did the deceased person take time to really appreciate his/her accomplishments? Or was the person too busy trying to fulfill new goals never realizing what he/she had already accomplished?

It's a bit odd to read about someone I never knew and admire his/her accomplishments. I'm always left in awe as I read about their lives. I wonder what my own obituary will say after I die. Will I even have an obituary?

I hope my life reflects love rather than accomplishments. I truly do hope... It's not a very fun read though, but oh well.

I watched Beverly perform in the Vagina Monologues last Saturday. It was... interesting and enlightening.

Quote of the day: I'm counting on you vaginas to look out for other vaginas! - Beverly rebuking Marianne and me after not inviting her to a meeting and blaming it on JJ.
I feel like an empty shell. A torn up left-over empty shell after the bomb has exploded.

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