
Happy Flag Day

Things I learned from doing research about Flag Day:
  • Flag Etiquette: There is no greater insult than to fly a flag upside down.
  • Flag designs do change, and care must be taken to ensure that the flag you fly is correct and current. The most comprehensive source for this information is The Flag Research Center, Winchester, Massachusetts.
  • When the flags of two or more nations are flown together, each flag should be displayed from a separate pole of the same height, and each flag should be the same size. In time of peace, international custom forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation. Flying the flags of two nations on the same pole is a sign of war-time victory. It will be interpreted as a serious insult. An alternative to an outdoor flag display, where flagpoles are limited, is to post the flags in your reception area and/or conference room.

When I was a child, I used to go through my encyclopedias for fun. The "F" encyclopedia was always quite fun because of all the flags. I tried to memorize all the flags, but my brain couldn't handle it.

Happy Birthday Ames.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that I knew all this stuff as I read it.
Likewise my friend.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I almost, just almost, can't handle the nerdiness in this post. It reminds me of you and History Day.

Anonymous said...

I almost, just almost, can't handle the nerdiness of this post. It barely slips in under nostalgia, because it reminds me of you and History Day.