
JuJu Quote of the Day

I will go through life not knowing names, but I will know their spirit.
- JJ defending himself when I said he was ridiculous for not knowing the name of a woman he claims has a crush on him.

JJ is my supervisor. I call him JuJu at times because the spell check on outlook always tries to change his name to JuJu.

By the way, here's the definition for juju according to dictionary.com in case you're curious:
ju·ju n.
An object used as a fetish, a charm, or an amulet in West Africa.
The supernatural power ascribed to such an object.
A style of Nigerian popular music featuring electric guitars and traditional drums.


Anonymous said...

As a philosopher once said, "To know is to love and to love is to know."

Hyojung said...

HAHHA. i've been checkign like everyday when your'e going to post a new one...and i get this. it's very you though...like the definition too. and fun to read. heehee.