
Mystery Moments

I read a portion of a story in The Best of Sherlock Holmes last night. I couldn't finish it because I fell asleep at 9. I don't understand why I'm so tired. I eat healthy foods, I exercise, I'm not consuming any coffee. Maybe I'm still catching up from the retreat? I don't feel that I should be so tired from the retreat though because it was more rejuvenating than tiring. I can't wait to finish the story tonight before I fall asleep.

I also read John... I don't remember.. last night. I read the part where Jesus washes the disciples' feet. I wanted to do the last QT from the retreat book that we didn't get a chance to do. One of the points in the lesson was that the disciples acknowledged Jesus as their teacher and Lord. This made me reflect. I definitely think of Jesus as a teacher, but is He really Lord of my life? I learn so much from Jesus, but do I obey and worship Him as my Lord and Savior? How different would my life be if I truly lived as Jesus as my Lord? I have to think on this some more.

As I was preparing my lunch this morning, I thought about moments. I know I talk about this all the time, but here are a few more thoughts. I like moments. I enjoy them. I wonder if it's possible to enjoy every moment. Can I enjoy this moment - cleaning my strawberries and packing them in tupperware - just as much as I enjoy a moment sitting at the beach and burying my feet in the warm sand? As I thought about it, I realized that I do enjoy those seemingly mundane moments just the same and I can similarly enjoy every moment in my life. It may be difficult to enjoy every single moment, but I will try my hardest.

It's about being joyful and thankful in all situations. At this moment, I'm thankful that I work in an air-conditioned facility able to enjoy my Green Machine Naked Juice while listening to Joni Mitchell. I'm joyful because God has a plan and I can trust Him.

Every moment is enjoyable because it exists.


Anonymous said...

I thought I left a comment before, but I guess I didn't.
Did you know there are four "I's" in the previous sentence.
I'm so engulfed with myself, but then again if you were me you would be to.
Heck...you're totally into me even if you're not me.

WOw...I totally forgot what I was going to comment about.
SEe ya around


Hyojung said...

"I'm joyful because God has a plan and I can trust Him."

that's really hard to do, but it's true! :D

cats+allergies=:( get better!

thanks for the call last night. i <3 you.

Anonymous said...

yesterday, the sincere elderly white man leading communion said, "and let us glory in the joy of salvation" and there was a thrill of joy in my heart. rare moment for me, but it sounds like you're practicing daily.