

Dan 1
Dan visited San Diego yesterday. We did a few of my favorite things: ate sushi, watched a documentary and walked along the harbor. I never get tired of those sculptures. I enjoy that our conversations can go anywhere from talking/debating about Warhol, relationships, how boats are built, new realizations and anything else that comes up. It's nice to be around someone I've known for so long, who knows me so well. Thanks for visiting Dan.

Dan 2
I recently emailed Dan, my nonfiction television professor who basically was my favorite person at USC. I email him whenever I feel confused about my future. His responses are always so comforting and wonderful. I appreciate his encouragement and words of wisdom. He's always impressed by what I'm doing and even thinking. I don't quite understand, but that's what he says to me. It's silly, but I love that he calls me a gem. It makes me feel so small and special.


a dancing soul...

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