
Makes no sense at all

Home Going Celebration
I went to a funeral service this week for Reverend George Stevens. However, the word "funeral" was not printed once on the program. It was more appropriately and correctly called a home going celebration. Reverend Stevens was a prominent African-American activist and politician in San Diego. It was a beautiful celebration of his life and an amazing worship service for God. The choir was awe-inspiring. I liked how the congregation was so expressive. People would respond throughout the service, randomly stand up, clap, lift their arms.

On a random note, I went horseback riding yesterday for Beverly Day. My horse's name was Roxy. Beverly's horse, Cooper was quite temperamental. JJ's horse was huge and steady. Roxy kept stopping to smell the flowers. I think she had allergies like me because she kept sneezing.

I have had quite a few visitations in the last month. Andy inadvertently visited me. Johny came by last Friday, which was exciting because it was a mini surprise. For some reason, Johny makes me say goofy things. I feel that half of our conversations don't make any sense. The other half of our conversations, we're actually having three different conversations. It's hard to explain, but I always feel very comfortable around Johny although we haven't been close-close friends for a long time. I find Johny very insightful and understanding.

Johny minus the 'y'
John MSN visited yesterday. He brought Shayna and Nathan. I absolutely adore them. Sena and Sharon joined us for dinner. We had a nice time.

Arrested Development vs. Scrubs
I can't believe I never watched Arrested Development until now. To put all the peer-pressuring from Dan and Drew to rest, here is my statement: I like both shows equally. I truly do. Dan and Drew don't believe me when I say that, but both shows are hilarious to me in very different ways. I think Dan needs to watch more of Scrubs and Drew needs to watch more of Arrested Development. We can all get along.

Plus One
Sophia's wedding is on a yacht. I think it's going to be quite elegant, yet freezing because it's on a yacht in December. It feels like a date wedding (where one must or should take a date) and this unecessarily annoys me. It's probably perfectly fine if I don't take a date and go with Kristine and Hana. I like going to places alone and doing things alone because I like to observe people. I never feel uncomfortable with the idea of being alone. But, when I imagine looking at people and jotting down notes on my napkin at a wedding, I feel a bit uncomfortable to be honest.

In response to the comment on my last post, I'm not exactly sure of the answer. When I think about successful or failed relationships, I can vaguely picture what they look like in my mind. However, it's hard to imagine how we got there. I see various turning points in the relationships, but it all seems so blurred. I wonder if any relationship really fails. What does it mean to succeed or fail in a relationship? I suppose one must first define success and failure. I don't think I've ever looked at relationships in terms of success or failure. I see them as broken, renewed or sustained. In conclusion, I have not provided any new or profound thoughts as a reply to the comment because I have no idea. Relationships. They're a mystery to me. My mind isn't ready to handle just yet.

How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?

The bridge from "Makes No Sense At All" is stuck in my head. Someone, please help. Can't. get. it. out.


Daniel Cho said...

I sometimes see Scrubs playing on Comedy Central or KCAL 9 when I'm flipping through channels. I sometimes stay on the channel and watch until that particular scene is done. Most of the times I don't find it that funny , but on rare occasions I let out a short "heh" (and usually it's because of the janitor or Dr. Cox). Then I move on.

It doesn't even compare to AD in my eyes. Gob rules all.

Hyojung said...

you haven't written a post like this before. it was fun to read. i enjoyed it. :D thanks for the ride again!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Scrubs. As for relationships, I am not sure if we ever really know about them. Just look at Brandon and I, we are just crazy, but we work :-). We miss you Grace!