
mariée ? fiancée ? célibataire ?

Last night, we had class at a French Restaurant just around the corner from where I live. The teacher told us we could bring guests. I went seule. It was a pleasant opportunity to chat with my classmates and get to know them. Most of my classmates are young professionals, so it was neat to learn about what they do and what they studied in college.

Many people brought their significant others, which I found quite interesting. It almost seemed like a trophy contest. All the couples congregated together. I wish I could have observed them some more and taken notes because it all seemed so awkward. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, but I experienced a subtle sense of awkwardness as I watched them. I felt awkward for them. Even if I did have a boyfriend, I don't think I would have taken him.

I was glad I didn't have awkward.

p.s. I'll post some of the songs on that list some time soon. My ipod keeps dying and my computer died a while ago. I suppose I can list from memory.


Anonymous said...

didn't have an awkward huh?

Anonymous said...

sometimes awkward is good, no? maybe in another scenario? i hope so. - awk

Anonymous said...

Heliu! (aka Simon)

How are you? We will write soon. I hope all is well with you. from indo.

Hyojung said...

yea...that's awkward. i feel i know what you're talking about..about the trophy. that's dumb. but i feel one day i might do that too without meaning too...dang it.