
adoption; tuberose; zoo

I watched a play tonight about adoption. The story revolved around three women affected by adoption: an adopted daughter, the adoptive mother and birth mother. It was a powerful and insightful play that showed me the complexity and feelings associated with adoption. The play made me think that if I ever do adopt, I would like the children to be able to have some contact with their birth parents if they so desire.

I dream of adopting children some day. I don't remember what sparked my interest in adoption or when this all began. It may sound a bit strange, but my initial reason for wanting to adopt wasn't out of pity for the children who had been abandoned. Of course, I feel sad when I think about it now, but that wasn't my first emotion when I thought about adoption. I think I wanted to adopt out of practicality and because of my concern for the environment and its resources. Let me explain. I figure, there's already a child out there. Why should I bear another child in this world when I can love and raise a child who already exists? I'm not sure if this makes any sense, but it does to me. John MSN would always tell me that people shouldn't adopt unless they feel that they can equally love their adopted children as their naturally-born children. I think I could.

Who knows what'll happen... But for now, I dream of my international family and teaching my children that the human spirit is what truly connects us all to one another.

I think I found a new flower to add to my favorite flowers list. Cala lilies are my favorite becaues I think they're so pretty, but the tuberose's fragrance is amazing. My little room is filled with the light, yet deep fragrance of my single stem of tuberose flowers. Actually, they're pretty as well. My heart feels so happy. I discovered there may be an explanation:
The legend of the tuberose in France warns that young girls should not breathe in its fragrance after dark for fear that it would put them in a romantic mood. In India, tuberose is known as rat ki rani, [The Mistress of the Night] for similar reasons. In Ayurvedic medicine, attars are held in high esteem not only for their exquisite fragrance, but their healing properties. Tuberose is known to improve one’s capacity for emotional depth. By opening the crown chakra it improves psychic powers. Tuberose also amplifies artistic inspiration as it stimulates the creative right side of the brain. And it brings serenity to the mind and heart.

I'm going to the zoo tomorrow! I think I'm going to get good use of my annual pass. It also works at the Wild Animal Park! :)

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