
"I don't like it like this"

by the Radio Dept. is currently on repeat.

Contrary to the song, I love it like this. I heart gloomy weather. It makes me feel alive and happy. Although, I was a bit confused today because I kept thinking that it was five o'clock in the evening. But, the whole day has just been overcast and grey. It's perfect weather for listening to the 'Marie Antoinette' soundtrack.

The plan for the evening: make soon-tofu (that looks weird... it's more like soondubu) and watch 'Before Sunset'.



Hyojung said...

before sunset is so much more amazing than before sunrise...and it's crazy how it was constructed!!! 9 years later!!!!!!

anywho...i liked your little addition of "i think it was organic cotton." :D

Anonymous said...

1. i love gloomy weather too! i feel sad during sunny weather - people always think i'm crazy when i feel that way, but finally, a kindred.

2. i love the m.a. soundtrack too! i also like the soundtrack for virgin suicides (i just watched it) - i like sofia's taste in music.

- love, awk