What an exciting weekend:
- Pleasant surprise – Mon visited Thursday night and was uber excited about the state of Hawaii granting her permission to bring her rats (when she moves in a couple of months). We had a fun time at MOCA, then enjoyed a nice glass of champagne. We were in a celebratory mood.
- The Weekend Crew met, explored San Diego, played a lot of Uno, and had nice slumber party moments/talks. We got no sleep, but it was so worth it.
- Incubus was amazing. We met the DJ and we walked by Mike, the guitarist. I think it was for the best I didn’t meet Brandon. I would have turned into a puddle.
- The weekend ended with some nice quality family time and a fun ride home with Kris.
I’m meeting my ‘little sister’ today. I volunteered for the Amachi Program, which is a part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. The students in the Amachi Program have had or currently have an incarcerated parent. I’m nervous and excited. It’s a year commitment and I know my little sister has been disappointed by her father many times, so I don’t want to disappoint her.

It's always fun with Mon.
Mon so happy after receiving notice she can take her rats with her to Hawaii.
I heart the beach.
We made Drew take the picture because of his long arms. The first one came out alright, but we were missing Kristine (plus Ames because she hadn't come to SD yet).
Kristine finally got in, but Drew kept taking more pictures.
Seven pictures later.
Sunglasses in the sky.
Why does that seem like such a long time ago? It's only been a few days! Good times.
Long live the Weekend Crew!! It does seem like so long ago - I really hope for a road trip. And it's only been a day, but I miss you! I miss you more for shorter absences now. But there's the W tomorrow! :)
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