- I haven't written anything meaningful, deep or good in this blog for quite some time now. I'm surprised people even keep checking it. I apologize and am grateful that you care enough to read.
- I notice that my personality profile fits me quite perfectly.
- I've had sleeping issues for a long time.
- I quit coffee two years ago. Can you believe it? I probably actually quit more like a year-and-a-half ago.
- I feel inadequate quite often: I feel inadequate and know that I haven't done my best because I'm just not passionate about math. It's all physically draining for now, but I'm sure there is a lesson to be learned and I can't wait to discover that... This was from two years ago when I taught at a summer tutoring school. It's scary and sad that I still feel this way at times.
- Hope is important to me. The albatross is my mascot.
Only thing I ever could need, only one good thing
Worth trying to be and it's