

It’s amazing how much better I feel after writing. When I’m sick, feeling melancholy, or generally feeling like a goober, I tend to write more. Ideas, little phrases just come to mind. I get to the point where I physically feel weighed down by these thoughts and I eventually have to write them in the little notebook Amy gave to me. I truly feel relieved after writing. Sometimes, I write down dates. Most of the time, I don’t. So, when I go back and read some of the stuff, I wonder when it was, what caused me to write what I wrote. A lot of the stuff makes no sense, but I don’t mind. It’s simply my reprieve from overwhelming and consuming thoughts. I know many people feel this way about music, art and dance. I always find that so amazing – how people can express themselves and create such beautiful pieces. I wish my mode of expression was dance. It seems so liberating and exquisite.

What's your avenue for expression?

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