- going to India (I think it's because I've watched two movies in the last month where the story took place in India. Plus, Sunny's obsessed with all things/people India and I think she rubbed off on me a bit the last time she visited.)
- going to South Africa for the World Cup in 2010.
- living in a cabin in the wilderness. It's a bit weird how vividly I can imagine this. I'm a little scared that I'll actually see what I imagine and I'll be sad because I won't be able to stay.
addicted to:
- the scent of tuberose flowers
- the clearance section in the used bookstore near my place (paperback books for 50 cents! hardcover books for just a buck! I bought a literature book the other day. I like literature books because it's like buying 15 poetry books, 3 plays and a compilation of short stories all in ONE book.)
- podcasts: Song of the Day for various radio stations, Prairie Home Companion, BBC World Select, NPR StoryCorps (please check this one out. I dream of simply traveling and working on a project like this.). I'm secretly (not-so-secret anymore) addicted to the YogAmazing podcast. The instructor, Chaz, is hilarious.
finding it hard to:
- sleep (The strange thing is I don't feel tired when I get very little sleep. It's strange.)
- read and stay focused
which leads to:
- a glass of blush wine at night when I can't go to sleep (I was first intrigued by the pretty color, but it tastes yummy as well. I recommend it for those who are scared to try red wine and feel that white wine is too dry. It's a perfect balance.)
my sanity:
- art museums
- walks and smelling flowers along the way
- music
- pilates
Do you ever feel uneasy? Just generally uneasy without knowing why?
Tiptoe-ing along the edge of a canyon
Knowing that I could easily sway my balance towards
the Secure side of the Ground
feel grateful and safe for
Falling on the Earth
and afraid for what could have been
in the Abyss.
Simply feel the adrenaline of
Maintaining my balance on the edge.
The canyon is frightening, yet seems completely freeing.
i hate jellyfish. so creepy and slimy and ugly. but i like your most recent post.
i like wine!!! my dad and i had some when my sister made steak. the wine was soooooo good. i don't know what kind it was. i'm not 21 yet. :(
it was the 1st time i drank wine w/ my dad. he always makes me drink, but i hate it so i don't. but after england, i like wine. :)
did you write that?!?!!! it was delicate perfection. friggin' write your book already, ya? i have a little something for you that might get you started... :)
love you.
miss you.
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