
Happy Hump Day!

Sometimes, people here at the office will say the above in a cheerful tone on Wednesdays. I hear it on the elevator, in the corridors, etc. I can't help but be a little surprised every time I hear it. It's just weird.

I'm so glad it's finally Wednesday. It's been one of those weeks where the first thought that enters my mind when I wake up in the morning has been, "I'm going to take a nap when I come home after work." Yeah, I'm excited for the weekend.


Hyojung said...

i always thought hump day was a bad thing...for some reason...but thinking about it, people say "happy" hump day. so...i don't know. i thought it was bad cuz it's like the middle of the week and...i don't know why, but i thought it'd be bad, but i guess it's good cuz it's saying that half the week is over???

Anonymous said...

hey! I missed you at church on sunday.