

I forgot how much fun giggling is. During small group tonight, Kristine, Sharon and I experienced an uncontrollable case of the giggles. I felt like I was in junior high at a slumber party. Wait, I don't think I even giggled like that in junior high. Anyway, it was all Kristine's fault. She wanted to pray together after our small group time. I looked over at her and I could tell she wanted to hold hands. She outdid my initial conjecture. She wanted to pray while embracing. This proved to be a quite awkward position for three people. I finally exploded in laughter because all I could imagine was some Star Trek-ish character with three brains combined. We ended up laughing for a few minutes.

Our first discussion was good and thought-provoking. I hope that I can begin to truly view the church as our body, not as an institution, place of worship or activity. After not going to church... yeah, I'm using the word incorrectly... for quite some time now, I realize that when I do go, it's amazing. Simply worshiping with others, praying with others, just being with the family is so encouraging and rejuvenating. I really appreciate our group so much more. I hope I can nurture this appreciation for our church and hopefully contribute to our growth...


Anonymous said...

hahahah this is so awkward: you just wrote your entry, i just read your entry, i'm now commenting on your entry; this is nice. (i know, not the best use of the semi-colon, but just for you, i had to add it in). now we're giggling again. i feel happy. more embraces to come grace! only more! - your awk

Anonymous said...

Dear Simon,

I can just picture you three giggling away. And I can totally picture Kristine wanting to embrace while praying. These are things that we missed the most out here, being able to hold hands and embrace while praying and praising our Father with all of our voices with fellow brothers and sisters. Treasure what you have and make the most of it, Grace. -Garfunkel.

Anonymous said...

mr. d! we miss you too much. i wish your family was here so we could embrace-pray together... but in spirit we will. and next summer is not too far off...