
A simple question

Doctor's office receptionist: Are you the subscriber of your insurance?
Me: Sorry?
Doctor's office receptionist: Is your husband the primary subscriber?

I choke.
On air.


Grace's Sports Day?

It's that time of the year ...
when sickness strikes.

I felt pretty crummy over the weekend. I slept. And slept. And slept some more. I feel much better today - pretty much completely well. Sunday was quite a lazy day. I woke up, took a shower, decided I was too dizzy to go to church, went back to sleep and woke up again completely disoriented because I thought it was Monday.

I woke up (the second time) just in time for the Brazil v. Australia soccer game. Brazil was amazing! They're so fun to watch. I've pretty much been swept into the whirlpool of the World Cup craze. I watched the Korea v. France game next. It wasn't as exciting after watching brilliant Brazil, but I still enjoyed it. I watched the game with Mon via telephone.

I somehow got sucked into watching the U.S. Open golf tournament. I caught the end of it and found it quite captivating.

Soon after that ended, I watched game 5 of the NBA Finals. Wow! What an exciting game! My mommy was even getting into it towards the end. She couldn't watch the end because she said she was too nervous.


Happy Flag Day

Things I learned from doing research about Flag Day:
  • Flag Etiquette: There is no greater insult than to fly a flag upside down.
  • Flag designs do change, and care must be taken to ensure that the flag you fly is correct and current. The most comprehensive source for this information is The Flag Research Center, Winchester, Massachusetts.
  • When the flags of two or more nations are flown together, each flag should be displayed from a separate pole of the same height, and each flag should be the same size. In time of peace, international custom forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation. Flying the flags of two nations on the same pole is a sign of war-time victory. It will be interpreted as a serious insult. An alternative to an outdoor flag display, where flagpoles are limited, is to post the flags in your reception area and/or conference room.

When I was a child, I used to go through my encyclopedias for fun. The "F" encyclopedia was always quite fun because of all the flags. I tried to memorize all the flags, but my brain couldn't handle it.

Happy Birthday Ames.


Imaginary Reality

I've been contemplating a few issues of mine for the past couple of months. I found self-reflectiveness quite refreshing, yet disgusting as time and perspective magnified my fualts and mistakes. I also realized that self reflection can often lead to egotistical and selfish thoughts.

Thinking leads to writing. So far, I have a couple of typed pages, four napkins and two receipts with random notes that only make sense in my mind. It has been both fun and overwhelming transcribing the make-believe world in my mind to actual dialogue, scenes and characters. The most intriguing part of this entire process has been the blurring lines between reality and fiction. I try to stick to fiction, but I can't help but write about what I know best, which is my life and my perspective. However, my faulty memory fails to be an accurate account. Therefore, what I think is/was reality may not be at all. Contemplating this boggles my mind because then I wonder whether I truly remember anything at all. I suppose even the events, people, conversations I remember inevitably go through pasteurization in my mind. After some time, I tend to begin idealizing everything in the past. The people who once hurt me turn into heroes. I kill all the negative and harmful thoughts.

It's hard to tell whether my stories are even my own or the ones I made up in my idealistic mind.


JuJu Quote of the Day

I will go through life not knowing names, but I will know their spirit.
- JJ defending himself when I said he was ridiculous for not knowing the name of a woman he claims has a crush on him.

JJ is my supervisor. I call him JuJu at times because the spell check on outlook always tries to change his name to JuJu.

By the way, here's the definition for juju according to dictionary.com in case you're curious:
ju·ju n.
An object used as a fetish, a charm, or an amulet in West Africa.
The supernatural power ascribed to such an object.
A style of Nigerian popular music featuring electric guitars and traditional drums.