
Nadirs/Zenith of Korea Trip '08

I'm finally somewhat coherent and functioning on U.S. time now. The jetlag after visiting the motherland was like no other.

Overall, the trip was good.

  • my father being ... my father. I completely shut down.
  • realizing the end.
  • spending time with my cousins. They were most kind and generous. We had quite a few things in common.
  • seeing my aunt (mama's cousin).
  • sleeping all the time at Jeju-do. It was much needed and appreciated rest.
  • the International Book Fair. I pretty much enjoyed all the bookstores in Korea.
  • spending time with Dan's parents. They exude warmth and happiness.
  • laughing at the outrageousness of Korean television. A combination of the funny, weird and disturbing.
  • spending time with Marilyn. I felt happy that she was happy.
  • closure and looking forward to a new beginning.
You can see the pictures posted on the link on the left. I still have to wait for Goeje-do pictures from Marilyn.


Dali's Girl at Window

There's something about this painting that really draws me in...