
A Whole New World

Hmm, I miss singing that song with Keisuke.

I went to an art exhibit on Saturday at the Laguna Art Museum with Ryan because his work was involved with the current exhibition. I was a bit reluctant at first because Ryan works at a place where they make video games. Art and video games? But, I was pleasantly surprised. It was interesting to see the art inspired by the games. People really get immersed in the game and it becomes another realm of reality for them. I found that so fascinating. Ryan was telling me about how some guys like playing female characters because they can control the woman's actions. He said they may have a distorted view of masculinity. I found that very disturbing and interesting. It's probably not like that for all those guys, but I think it may be for some.

There was this one video piece where they just taped a player's hand movements in the game. Such coordination and agility!

The whole gaming world is so bizarre to me. I never played video games growing up and never even owned a gameboy. I think the only game I knew how to play on a gameboy was Tetris.

Sidenote: it's interesting hanging out with animators. We were at a bar the other night and Danny (Ryan's friend) gets all excited and says, "Wow, that guy has a great face. I wish I had my sketchbook." The guy did have a very cartoonish face, but I probably would not have even noticed if Danny didn't say anything. I love how we all notice different things in the world!


Daniel Cho said...

Are you talking about this? http://www.lagunaartmuseum.org/Current-Exhibit.html

gracieliu said...

Yep. You should check it out. It's interesting.