
It was so windy today.

I park at the Civic Center every day and walk to work. When I usually come out of the building where I park, I see the coffee cart, notice how long the line is and wonder what everyone is ordering. As I passed by the coffee cart onto the walkway surrounded by a couple of big, beautiful trees, I thought about how I should avoid the puddle (that seems to form on rainy days) in the middle of the courtyard. Right after I walked by the trees, I heard a crackling sound, turned around and saw a huge branch snap off. The entire walkway was covered by the branch and its leaves. People around me started freaking out, asked me if I was okay and whether anyone was under the branches. No one was.

As I looked back, all I could see was me crushed under the tree. It was truly only a matter of seconds. That thought freaked me out and I pretty much ran away from the place. I was in a funk all day. I kept looking up in fear at every tree I walked by. I love trees. I felt sad that I feared them today.

"The tree waited for you because it saw something in you," explained JJ. I told him trees can't see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i took it as "JJ" saying the tree was waiting to ambush you...and ended up just poorly executing its plan.

This JJ is a funny man.